lunes, 28 de julio de 2008

Ever since I saw this image on The Sartorialist, I fell in love with this girl (and her outfit, of course). Its simple and clean, yet with a certain edge to it. Unfortunately, I do not own such a fantastic skirt or such a great top. I can't really think why not, considering I live in the fashion capital of the world... (I hope my sarcasm doesn't go unnoticed here).

Yet, looking through my closets I managed to come up with my own (winter) version of this great great (great!!) outfit. Instead of stripes and dots I thought of horizontal and vertical stripes.

I feel terribly self-conscious in this top. Its way too tight for me, yet I've had it for a year and never worn it before, so I thought it was the right time to give it a try. I've got a fun party to go to now... I'm still considering whether to wear this to go. I feel weird wearing fitted tops.

Later alligator.

(Last minute edit) - I just realized, its winter. So I can wear a long vest over the whole thing to get rid of the tightness factor.
I'm late for the party, so no fancy photoshoping for this photo!

(currently listening to 10 contados - CéU.

check post below)


I should be back blogging soon.

Meanwhile, you could listen to wonderful CéU and her amazing music.

jueves, 17 de julio de 2008

- for the loneliness you foster, I suggest Paul Auster -

(Sure. I like the flowers and tiny butterflies on this cardigan I thrifted for less than two dollars.
But what I like the most is the soft cashmere its made of)

Fionn Regan, by the way, is amazing. His lyrics are intelligent and heart warming. And I love how he mentions Paul Auster in the Put a Penny in the Slot lyrics. Auster is one of my favorite writers.
I love how Iago always finds a way to sneak into my photos.

miércoles, 16 de julio de 2008

Into the wild

I just finished watching Into the Wild, a movie directed by Sean Penn. Many thoughts run through my mind as I write this. I had read the book several months ago and fell in love with it inmediately.

Although I'm more in tune with my mellow side on my day to day life, there is a part of me that knows some of the best things in life will not be found anywhere you can ride your car without any effort. I guess, like with everything in my life, I go through cycles. While I enjoy spending my nights at home, knitting, reading, drinking chamomille and writing, there is this urge that I can't really control (it may go away as unexpectedly as it arrives) to get out of my usual comfort zone. In the seeemingly masochistic act that renouncing to showers, hot food and a comfortable bed might be, there are great rewards to be found. Moreover, I don't think the insightful experiences one goes through when 'out in the wild' could ever be found without this uncomfortableness. It's not only about nature, it's also about leaving behind those things that make us fall into a dream-like state.

I'm not radical on this. I could never be like Chris McCandless, yet, I still think life becomes a whole different experience when one can appreciate sunsets in a deserted mountain or wake up in a cold morning next to a lake. Spend an afternoon on your own on a nearby forest or lake, its too easy to just sit and wait for days to pass.

I'm starting to feel the urge to get my backpack back on my shoulders, at least for a few days. I'll let you know if I decide to go away.

Meanwhile I'm spending my days in the park nearby my house, watching Iago run around in a mad happiness. Oh... and thrifting.

Will show my finds in next post.

By the way, I recommend reading the book more than I do watching the movie. The book is full of great insights by the writer that could, of course, not be captured on screen. Still, the movie is beautiful. Watch it if you get a chance.

sábado, 12 de julio de 2008

This is not a love song

(Long distance relationships are hard. I don't feel like going into detail today, maybe I will tomorrow.)

So tonight I'm going dancing with some friends. This is what I'll be wearing. My friends are taking too long to arrive, so I'm using this opportunity to snap a quick and painless outfit-photo. They are coming to my house first. It's already half past twelve and they are not here, so I guess it will be a late night this time.
A cigarette and a beer will do me good tonight.

(I'm sorry if the photo effects bother you. I hope they don't. I just discovered them so they are fun to use)

lunes, 7 de julio de 2008

After Hours

Being away for so long - it has been almost two months - made me think about the reasons why I started blogging in the first place. Going through some of my favorite blogs I can see different motives why people do so themselves. There are the creative and artistic bloggers, the look-what-I-just-found bloggers, the help-me-decide-an-outfit-between-all-these-options ones, the blogging-as-a-healing-process, the I blog as a way to gain more security on my unorthodoxal style sense.
So, why do I blog? I'm not quite sure if I fit into any of those categories, in fact, I'd say most people fit into more than one of those descriptions.
What is it about for me?
I'm a pretty outgoing person in 'real' life, yet I can't seem to get rid of this feeling of loneliness that I foster. I guess it's because my social persona filters a lot of my insecurities, dreams and contradictions and presents what she believes is a more appealing and interesting version of me.
I have read in a lot of blogs people saying that bloggers act and present themselves differently than in real life. I don't believe this means they are 'faking' the image they present to the anonimous world that is the web, on the contrary, I think blogging gives people the opportunity to experience and experiment with that side of themselves that they usually hide for various reasons. Is the self that you present on your blog more or less real than the one you show to the people you deal with on regular basis? I don't think its neither. I have always been a firm believe that there is nothing such a set and established self, but rather, different aspects of each person manifest in different opportunities.
In that way, I love the opportunity that this blog gives me. It gives me the opportunity to share a part of myself that I usually keep to myself and in that way, get to know who I am in a deeper sense.

Thank you all for the comments. A lot has happened in this month a half - lots of important decisions, I'll hopefully get to them eventually. I think my favorite item for this winter are my red tights. Also, taking this photograph makes me realize what a mess my bookshelf is. Hopefully now that finals are ending I'll have time to fully clean and reorganize my room.

(currently listening to: Kleider - La Capital)